William Shakespeare and His Times

Shakespeare's Life and Plays

Shakespeare's Plays and Poems By: Tyler Leech

William Shakespeare's books of plays and poems.
Shakespeare had many accomplisments in his life. Some say that he did not exist. But things that do exist are his plays and poems that he created over his lifetime. Shakespeare's plays and poems are very important because they are known around the world, and are also used as examples. There are three portfolios that shakespeare created, including plays like Macbeth and Hamlet, and poems as in Edward lll, or Two noble Kingsman. There was also the Henery series. Shakespeare worked in the playwrite company called Lord Chamberlin's men, later renamed the kings men. Many of his poems had different Generas, some were Elegeys, Tragedy, and love, along with his plays. Plays around his time were acted in the Globe Thearter, known commonly around the country. But before he could create all of  his workings, he had to include very important parts into his plays and poems. for instance, poetic devices. Poetic devices are the inner workings in a play or poem, as in a simile of a metaphor. Shakespeare's most well known play is of course Romeo and Juilet. this is a tale of when two people that have families hate each other, fall in love and will do anything to stay together. In that and other plays he created, many  famous quotations are used, also in Shakspeare's poems. Collective plays and poems were all split up into four catagories, Comedy, History, Tragedy, and Poetry. Since Shakespeare's plays and poems are known all around the world, they had a big influence on how people even live. From the poems and plays, he gained fame and fortune through his caerrier. Making him the best playwriter and poet the world has ever come to know.

Shakespeare's Life and Family By: Lauren Tassone

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. William Shakespeare’s parents are John and Mary Arden Shakespeare. William’s father John Shakespeare was a local business man and a glove-maker. When Shakespeare was a child his father took him to see many plays and he became very interested in the Elizabethan theatrical productions. When William was eleven he entered in the grammar school of Stratford called King’s New School. While William was attending the grammar school he was studying theatre, acting, and Latin literature. In 1582, at age 18 William Shakespeare married 26 year old Anne Hathaway. In May 1585, William and Anne had their first child named Susanna. Then on January of 1585 their twins Hamnet and Judith were born.  William and Anne’s only son Hamnet died at the age of eleven. During 1585 to 1592 was known as Shakespeare’s lost years, this is when Shakespeare left Stratford for London and no one know what happen during these years. Around the year of 1611 Shakespeare disengaged himself from the theatre world and spent most of his time at his house in Stratford. On March 1616, William Shakespeare signed his will and left his properties to his family.  Eventually, William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 at age fifty-two and is buried in the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon. William Shakespeare’s wife Anne died in 1623 and was buried next to her husband.   

www.shakespeare.org.uk/content/view/12/12 www.poets.org/wshak/ www.william-shakespeare.org.uk/performances-william-shakespeare-plays.htm These are links of inforamtion on William Shakspeare's Life and plays.


O’Connor, Garry. William Shakespeare A Popular Life. New York: Affiliated Publishers, 2000. Print.

“William Shakespeare .” Grolier. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. <http://go.grolier.com>.